intro : 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 : 6 : 7 : 8 : 9 : 10 : 11 : 12 : end


Within half an hour, they arrive at the church.

Lajon says, “I'll stay in the car. Better off that people still believe I'm dead."

Sean gets out walks to the church and enters the doors.

“Our Father who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever.

Sean says, “What the hell? What happened to "...against the fools..."...?

Roger Dalt walks up to Sean.

Sean says, “What happened here?"
Dalt says, “Well, after one of my followers, John Lee O'Conner had an episode in dealing with a narcotic substance, he's lost his way. Since then, I've attempted to turn my life around. You’re Det. Sean Napier from several years ago, aren’t you?"
Sean says, “Yes."
Dalt says, “I remember you. You came in here looking for a murderer, Jack Stallone, I think his name was. And although you disrupted our ceremony, we forgave you all those years ago. And now I would assume you’re pursuing some agenda by coming here..."
Sean says, “Yes. Would you happen to have any contact info for O'Conner?"
Dalt says, “I believe I do. Give me a moment..."

Dalt goes into his office and looks through his files. He finds the info and returns back to Sean.

Dalt says, “Here is the contact info. May I ask what you need this for?"
Sean says, “I'm not obliged to disclose that information. Thank you for your time, Mr. Dalt."
Dalt says, “My pleasure."

Sean leaves the church and goes to his car.

Sean says, “I've got his address."
Lajon says, “We're missing something..."
Sean says, “I'll be right back..."

Sean re-enters the church, looks around the church and finds Dalt kneeling at the altar.

Sean says, “Father Dalt? I'm sorry for interrupting you..."

Dalt finishes his prayer and stands up.

Dalt says, “That’s quite all right. What is it you want, my son?"
Sean says, “Have you yourself heard from O'Conner?"
Dalt says, “As a matter of fact, yes. About 2 weeks ago. He came to tell me he was attempting to reach a higher state of enlightenment. He could not tell me much more than that except that it was very holy to him."
Sean says, “...Hm..."
Dalt says, “If anything is wrong with him, I hope you can help."
Sean says, “I hope so too. Anyways, thanks again for your time, Fr. Dalt. I hope to bring you back some good news."

Sean and Dalt shakes hands and Sean leaves. As he is about to leave the church, he looks towards the statue of Christ on the cross.

All of this death your sending
Best throw some free heart mending

He ponders for a moment and then exits the church. As he walks towards the car, he hears a loud boom. He listens to it and finds out it's coming from his car.

Grinning, Sean says, “What are you doing, Lajon?"

Lajon just looks at Sean, amused.

Sean says, “Christ. Time to find out where O'Conner lives."