Rooster : Part 1 : Part 2 : Page : 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 : 6 : 7 : 8 : 9 : 10 : 11 : 12 : 13 :

Meanwhile, at the same time elsewhere, James Cantrell walks up to Karla's house and knocks on the door.

James says, “It's me Karla. I have some info for you about that boy."
Karla says, “It's been a month and a half since he disappeared. I hope he's doing ok."
James says, “He's a young man, Karla. I'm sure he's handling himself. Anyways, remember when I told you I thought the boy looked familiar? Well, it took me quite some time to find out anything. His facial features remind me of one of my army buddies..."
Karla says, “Who does he resemble?"
James says, “An old war buddy of mine from Vietnam. I'm still doing a name check on him but I've got it narrowed down to a dozen people. If I can get half of those names narrowed down, I'll bring one of those pictures in. Problem is, it takes a very long time to find any info like this, especially wartime info."
Karla says, “Can I confide in you for a moment, James?"
James says, “Sure. Go ahead."
Karla says, “This morning, I woke up feeling that Nona is in safe company."
James says, “Well, I hope for your sake she's ok. I'll catch you later, Karla. Mind if I come over for supper?"
Karla says, “I don't mind at all. Just bring conversation and dessert with you, hon."

Karla winks at James and James leaves her house. At that very moment, Nona and Jon conclude watching the Vietnam tape.

Nona says, “Anything?"
Jon, in a sort of not there mentality, replies, “Nothing. I'll be right back. I'll use the washroom over there."
Nona says, “Ok, I'll be rewinding the tape."

Jon walks into the bathroom and takes a leak. It comes out a little discolored but Jon doesn't notice this. As he zips up his pants, a very strong pain hits his stomach. As soon as Jon cries out, Nona hears it and runs to the bathroom. He’s doubled over in pain.

Nona says, “Jon?"

Nona holds him in her lap. Jon is unable to respond as strong images assault his memory for over a minute.

"Ok gen (tleman), (don't shoot till you see the whites in their eyes!) Now...(on) to...Nh (i-Ha)...."
“N (oooooooooo!) ...Joh (n)!"
“You’ (re gonna die you mother fucker)!"

Ain't found a way to kill me yet
Eyes burn with stinging sweat
Seems every path leads me to nowhere

The images stop. Nona takes her hand and pushes away the hair that fell over his face and she sees that his forehead is sweating.

Nona is speechless, as is Jon.

Nona says, “What happened?"
Jon says, “Total cluster fuck. So many images going by, not making sense."
Nona says, “Well, just lay there for a little bit. We're not in a rush."

Nona leans over and kisses Jon on the forehead and lets Jon rest.

Nona says, “It'll all be all right."

Ten minutes pass and Nona hears a knock on the door of the room.

Ms. Taylor says, “Are you kids still down there?"

Nona looks at Jon.

Jon says, “...Answer her..."

Nona sits Jon up and gets up. She walks out of the bathroom and responds.

Nona says, “We're fine, Ms Taylor. I just got out of the washroom. And we're done with the movies. We'll be up in a few."

As Ms. Taylor walks back to her desk, Nona walks back to Jon and sees he's walking by himself.

Nona says, “Need any help?"
Jon says, “I got it."

Nona grabs the two tapes and Jon grabs the chairs and they go upstairs.

Ms. Taylor says, “I hope you two enjoyed the tapes. May I ask why you needed to watch them?"
Nona says, “School project. Something to do with history. I'm sure I'll remember more when I get home."

Ms. Taylor gives Nona a funny look and Nona decides it's time to go.

Nona says, “Well, we have to get going home now. Bye Ms. Taylor."
Ms. Taylor says, “I hope I've helped you kids enough. Bye now."
Nona says, “Bye."

As Nona and Jon leave the library and walk away, Nona starts speaks up.

Nona says, “Seems like your problems have something to do with Vietnam."
Jon says, “Seems like it..."
Nona says, “I think we should go and talk to Andrew. Maybe he'll have the answers."

In 15 minutes, they're back by their homemade shelter.

Andrew says, “Where'd you guys go?"
Nona says, “Jon had some funky nightmares this morning and we felt maybe by going to the library that we could find out something. We didn't find out much but we're getting somewhere. His nightmares have something to do with a war. Not sure which one though."
Andrew says, “Well, tell me what happened at the library. That could help."

Nona, Jon and Andrew spent the next 15 minutes recalling the events.

Andrew says, “His dream is very much reminiscent of Vietnam. It was a full on bloody massacre."
Nona says, “You just don’t forget anything, do you Andy?"

Andrew pauses.

Andrew says, “No... I don’t..."
A very uncomfortable pause passes and Andrew speaks up. "Hey guys, I'm going to take a walk."
Nona says, “Ok Andy. Don't get lost on us."
Andrew says, “I won't. We're a family and we stick together."

Andrew gets up and walks away. Jon looks at Nona and sees she is shaking.

Jon says, “Are you cold Nona?"
Nona says, “A little bit... Not really..."

Jon grabs a blanket from the shelter and drapes it on Nona. As soon as Jon sits down, Nona gets up. She then wraps the blanket around Jon and sits in his lap. Jon gets the idea and wraps the blanket around both of them. As Jon sits there, he smells Nona's hair. It reminds him of...