Welcome to jackkemplin.com, the place to see the works of Jack Danyá Kemplin.
This website is the only place on the net where you can find exclusive writings & art by Jack.

January7th, 2011 New Poetic Reflection In The Glare - Reflected Revisited released by VC today! In 2003 the 2002 poetic 365 was fallowed by a sequel poem 365 - Revisited with augmented artwork & a new poem. Relflection In The Glare - Reflected Revisited fallows in this tradition as a sequel to the 2009 poetic Reflected In The Glare.

July 27th, 2009 Vengeance Comics is proud to present a new poetic Reflected In The Glare & an improved re-release of the short UNFINISHED released today!

August 25th, 2008 New poetic Cutting Away released by VC today!

July 27th, 2008 Jack Danya Kemplin is proud to finally announce the publication of the Silver Edition of his book Painful Love Letter. This book has been 7 years in the making. Painful Love Letter was originally published on July 27th 2003 & it's Silver Edition was supposed to be published the fallowing year on July 27th 2004, but do to various setbacks its publication was delayed. Each year it was hoped that it would be released, yet each year it was not. Now finally this year, on this day July 27th 2008, exactly 4 years after it was supposed to be released, it has finally been released. Painful Love Letter - Silver Edition can be purchased or downloaded from here. Enjoy. 

July 22nd, 2008 Jack has released a new written work "The Modern Masque" read it & enjoy.

March 2nd, 2007 New poetic Bat Out Of Hell released by VC today!

March 1st, 2007 Vengeance Comics has released Jack's newest poetic "ANGELS ALL FIRE"

February 27th, 2007 Vengeance Comics, Jack's newest website has been opened to the public. Vengeance Comics' mission is to help carry on the torch that C3 lit, & to bring new Crow material to everyone, by everyone. Vengeance Comics is proud to announce the release of it's first works not originally published by C3!

Read the New short "UNFINISHED" & poetic "DREAM IN DIGITAL"

Unfinished & Dream In Digital are two very special releases by VC for they are the last two projects Jack Danya Kemplin produced for C3, but before they could be released what happened, happened. Thus these are the first two projects released only under VC. Staying true to who they was originally produced for they still retain the C3 branding & are the last VC projects that will have that branding. We hope all of you read & enjoy them greatly, & discuss them at the Vengeance Comics message board.

Vengeance Comics also hosts all of Jack's old C3 works including his 12 C3 Poetics .

October 11th, 2006 Grand news, a new C3 poetic by Jack Danya Kemplin has been released by C3! It is called "PhAsEs", it's art & words are by Jack Danya Kemplin. This is a special occasion for both Jack & C3. C3's website do to lack of funding went offline in 2002, with all of it's fans hoping that one day it would return. In late 2005 their hopes were answered when thanks to MoonMistress C3's site came back online at it's new URL http://www.collectivecrowcomics.com/ . The moment it came back Jack Danya was there helping out by checking all of the pages & notifying MoonMistress of any broken links & images. & Now on October 11th 2006 C3 has released their first poetic since 2002, PHASES by Jack Danya Kemplin, Read it HERE or HERE, & please do check out the rest of C3 HERE .

February 06th, 2006 a new written work by Jack is now up:

note of WARNING - This story by Jack Danyá Kemplin is a erotica, meaning it is sexually explicit in nature & rated X, if you do not wish to encounter such material or are not of 18 or 21 of age, then do NOT read it! If you are of age & do wish to, then by all means PLEASE DO READ IT!

January 01st, 2006 Welcome everyone to The Works: What was once known as JackKemplin.com, now only a section of it. JackKemplin.com has grown so large that it could no longer go on in the format that it was in, so now it has been updated & upgraded completely; thus making the works only a section, one of many contained within the new site. I hope you like it, enjoy.