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Pieces: Creator Interview. Korax V's Acid

To begin with, what made you want to continue the story of Tyler like this ?
I wanted a continuation, because the story (Hauntis) didn't really end.
It just kinda stopped at the last page, I really wanted to finish things off.

Can you explain to me the name 'Pieces' ? What more is there to it apart from
the obvious surface relevance ?
I was six pages into the project, with the title at the back of my mind when I
I decided I better call it something. It basically comes from Hauntis, the concept
of tape around Tylers mouth, being "like a vase smashed into a thousand pieces,
taped back together". that was the concept behind the title. This isn't the whole
story, just another piece. The more I got thinking about it, the more I realised
how many times the word "Piece" pops up, so it kinda worked :)

So do you see your self in Tylers Shoes this time round ? On say a decision
making basis ?
Kinda. I had to derive inspiration from something I knew well, not that I know
myself too well, but it's kinda my own personal therapy. On a decision making basis,
I don't have the strength to turn my life around like that. Yet :P

I really enjoyed the 'Easter Killer' very intriguing, can you tell us a bit about
how you came up with this concept ?
Sure. You have to assume that after what happened at the end of Hauntis, Tyler
would have somebody after him, hunting him down. I didn't get
to fully expose that line of the plot, not in this one anyway. It would
have watered the whole thing down. The deal is, the events in Hauntis occur
around the Easter period, so Tyler being killed on Good Friday, and resurrected
three days later on Easter Monday (all very symbolic of Christ), and killing 4
people in one night, thats a serial killer, and the Police would be after him.

What has become of Tylers familiar guiding hand; Angelina ? I'm sure many old
skool fans would be wondering why she did not put in an appearance in Pieces ,
and will they see her again ever ?
Pieces was like Tylers little fucked up world, all alone. Nobody but him. Thats
why the prostitute character was so affecting. Angelina will be back though, I
promise you that. :)

Whats next for Tyler ? will we ever see him get back to his Caroline ? give us a
little hint :P
One word, 'Closure'. and yes, that's the hint :)

Whats next for Yourself ? time for a break or should we expect more excellent C3
releases from the Acidpet ?.
No rest for the Acid. The schedule so far goes: "My Wings Are Black Too"(with tWISTEd
sPINe) comes out December 17, then a one part comic, and then a totally new C3 product.
That should take me up to say, March :P
